Vegan Foodie Fitness Club
Where we run (and workout) for vegan food and support vegan restaurants
I always joke around that I run and workout just so I can eat more (but it’s actually real facts haha) The mission behind this vegan running club is to create community, exercise and of course eat great food. If this aligns with you then I would love to have you at the next event.
Upcoming Events
Ugly Sweater Run
Date/Time: Sunday, Dec 15th 10am
Let’s be festive while also burning some calories on our way to eat vegan pupusas!! :D
Vegan Salsa Dancing
Date: TBA
As someone who dances salsa on the regular. I can’t wait to share more details on this.
Veganuary Run
Date: TBA
In case you partied hard for NYE, let’s start the year right with a good run and good vegan food!
Featured Product
Featured Product
The new fueled by plant tees are here! If you run for vegan food then this t-shirt is for for you or a great gift idea!